
Literary figures

Sample of literary figures

  • Molly Cates


    A competent professional middle-aged investigative crime journalist, single mother and author. Molly Cates is primarily driven by a strong passion for justice. She works hard at her job, and even though she is attractive and men like her, all of her relationships have quickly broken up. One reason for this – according to author Mary Willis Walker – is that Cates is convinced that her father has been murdered.

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  • Kinsey Millhone


    Kinsey Millhone is an American private detective with a messy private life. Her parents died in a car crash when she was still young, both her marriages ended in divorce, and her love affairs are brief. On the other hand, she is very good at her job, as a string of novels by Sue Grafton show. She sometimes makes guest appearances in books by other authors.

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  • Robert Langdon


    He was born in 1964 in the USA, has black hair, with blue slightly protruding eyes and a pale face. As a whole, art historian Robert Langdon is not exactly handsome – even though he has been compared with Harrison Ford – but he is a knowledgeable expert on symbols and the main character in a row of controversial novels by Dan Brown, where Langdon without hesitation questions Christian symbols and accepted religious history.

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  • Gavin Troy


    Troy is a detective in the fictive English county of Midsomer, and Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby’s right hand. In Caroline Graham’s novel, Tory is a clever and intelligent police officer, but his prejudices – he is, for example, a homophobe – and rather abrupt manner speak against him. In the TV series <i>Midsomer Murders</i>, his personality has been ‘corrected’ and he is decidedly more sympathetic, and is still a skilled investigator.

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